
The largest fundraising platform for Muslims, globally

We are a global Muslim giving platform that has raised more than $600 million toward 76,000+ campaigns since 2013

Golden ticket:

Golden ticket:

Win $4,000!

Win $4,000!

To commemorate this milestone, donations from Oct 2-15, 2023 could win up to $4,000 to the campaign they supported.

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Voices of LaunchGood

Our founders started with a belief that Muslims have incredible stories to tell. Hear from the visionaries themselves, team members, and fundraisers who have all been an integral part of this journey.

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We are an Ummah


76,000 organizations and communities, collectively raising an astounding $528 million online.



1.6 million strong, spanning over 5,000 cities worldwide.

One body


When families suffer from tragedy, the community extends unwavering support to help them get back up with hope and resilience.

First responders

From Türkiye to Palestine, times of disaster show how our hearts beat together as one.

First responders



Innovative Muslims ushering their ideas to life to enrich the quality of life for Muslims worldwide.

Legacy builders

Leading the construction of mosques, Islamic institutions, and supporting Dawah efforts across the globe.

Legacy builders


1.4 million strong, spanning over 5,000 cities worldwide.


30,000 organizations and communities, collectively raising an astounding $342.75 million online.


Innovative Muslims ushering their ideas to life to enrich the quality of life for Muslims worldwide. TarteelQuranic

Where deen meets tech

Where deen meets tech

LaunchGood connects people from one part of the world to another to support good causes, embodying the global heartbeat of the ummah

In 1434 (2013)

we started with a belief

In 1434 (2013) we started with a belief

We believe Muslims have incredible values to share with the world. Together, we set out to build an inspired future.


September 2013 officially launches

It wasn’t the fanciest website (or even mobile-friendly), but thanks to a few incredible Muslims willing to take a leap of faith like Nadoona, Bassem Rashidi, and Peter Gould, we took off.


April 2014

We failed to get VC funding - TWICE!

Despite some good early traction, we couldn’t find any VC funding.

In hindsight, it may have been a blessing in disguise - it forced us to bootstrap the whole way and be very intentional with every dollar we earned.


October 2014

Some early wins kept us motivated

Even though we were broke, we were growing, and early on there were some critically encouraging moments, like winning the AMCC Entrepreneur Showcase Award & the Islamic Economy Award (alongside Chris’ childhood hero Yusuf “Cat Stevens” Islam!).


May 2015

Top talent joins our adventure with the first fellowship

Nothing has been more critical to our success than our team. We couldn’t afford to pay salaries at the beginning, yet needed serious professionals to build a serious company - so the LaunchGood Fellowship was born with Sameera, Tasneem and Loudawg. In total, we’ve had 7 cohorts with 38 fellows from 7 countries (more than 700 applied!).


June 2015

Ramadan Challenge was born!

Having our own platforms means we can make products that serve our needs. No month is more important to Muslims than Ramadan, and we wanted to build a product that donors loved and would have a global impact. Since its inception, the Ramadan Challenge - along with the Dhul Hijjah Challenge & Friday Givers (two further custom products) - has helped over 100,000 people share millions worldwide by scheduling their donations in advance and ensuring support reaches those in need at critical times.


July 2015

LaunchGood’s first viral campaign

A shining “knight” in our community, Faatimah Knight, was grief stricken by a series of arson attacks on Black churches in the US South, and to show solidarity began a small campaign, “Rebuild with Love”.

The campaign quickly blew past its goal and raised over 10x their original intention, becoming our first of many viral campaigns of ordinary Muslims responding to evil with good.


November 2016

Won $100K EFICA award & took off

LaunchGood continued to grow, but we had lingering debts, outdated laptops, etc. that was holding us back. We got a huge break when we won a live-pitch contest for the EFICA (Ethical Finance Innovation Challenge Awards) in Abu Dhabi in 2016.

The award gave us the boost we needed to invest in ourselves and propel us forward!


February 2017

Our website runs into a “Harry” problem

After Donald Trump was elected President, a number of Jewish cemeteries were desecrated. In response, Linda Sarsour, Tarek El-Messidi & Celebrate Mercy ran an inspiring campaign that raised hundreds of thousands of dollars to repair them and notably earned a tweet from J.K. Rowling, the famed Harry Potter author, which promptly crashed the website. Oops!


January 2018

Launched deeper engagement in UK & Malaysia

Although LaunchGood began in America 🇺🇸, today we serve Muslims across the globe, with campaigns in more than 130 countries. To best serve our community, we increased services in London and Kuala Lumpur 🇲🇾, in addition to also engaging other resources remotely in Australia 🇦🇺, Canada 🇨🇦, Egypt 🇪🇬, Singapore 🇸🇬 and a few global nomads who change countries every few months. Needless to say, scheduling meetings makes for an interesting challenge.


March 2019

Feeling the heartbeat of the Ummah

We grieved & the world grieved after the disgusting attack on innocent Muslims attending Friday prayers in Christchurch, New Zealand. Local Muslims quickly organized a record-setting LaunchGood campaign that raised over $2 million in 48 hours and brought together tens of thousands from nearly every country in the world, including Twitter’s CEO Jack Dorsey, and actors Riz Khan and Alyssa Milano.


May 2020

Collective efforts emerged to #OutsmartCorona

As the world shutdown, the global crisis prompted a heightened sense of empathy and solidarity among donors. Fundraisers had a place to continue their efforts online and reach wider communities. This remarkable response showcased the power of unity during the pandemic.


June 2021

The worst in humanity brings out the best in humanity.

On June 6, 2021, in London, Ontario, a devastating act of Islamophobia occurred, marking the city's deadliest mass killing. A driver targeted a Muslim family with his vehicle, resulting in the loss of four members across generations, while a 9-year-old boy survived, tragically left orphaned.


April 2022

1 million Donors

Celebrating each one of you that contribute to serving the Ummah. LaunchGood is a storybook of all the incredible good that Muslims are doing in the world. Every fundraiser is a chapter, and each donor is a character. This ethos underpins what it signifies to be a part of our global community.


August 2022

First team gathering of the team after COVID at GMW

With the vision to connect in-person and drive collaboration after a period of lockdown, our global team came together at the first GMW event. In the first year alone, 18 events took place across the world, with 25 global events already planned for 2024.


February 2023

The world united to support victims of the deadly earthquake in Turkiye, Syria, and surrounding areas.

More than 70,000 of you helped raise over $8 million for displaced families and survivors affected by the tragedy.


 December 2023


April 2024

Record breaking Ramadan giving

Donors contributed more than $70 million to a wide range of global fundraisers. Fundraisers supporting Palestinian survival were the largest category for donor-giving by a wide margin. 


Golden Ticket:

Win $4,000!

Win $4,000!

To commemorate this milestone, donations from Oct 2-15, 2023 could win up to $4,000 to the campaign they supported.

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73 diverse individuals shaping a brighter future.

73 diverse individuals shaping a brighter future.

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Kais Al Kaissi
Creative Director
Mariam El-Khatib
Product Manager
Zainab Husain
Product Manager
Umar Shahzad
VP of Design
Sobia Hussain
Product Marketing Manager
Kais Al Kaissi
Creative Director
Mariam El-Khatib
Product Manager
Zainab Husain
Product Manager
Umar Shahzad
VP of Design
Sobia Hussain
Product Marketing Manager