NuDay Syria is determined to keep on sending life-saving containers filled with not only food, clothing, bedding, medical supplies, toys and son on, but also with lots of love and hope, however in order to do so we need continued financial support as well. Help NuDay Syria send life-saving containers for mothers, children and families inside Syria this month! Love, Hope - we've got it!

of work that hundreds of volunteers all over New England - and in some cases all over the States - continue to do, month after month. Boxes get loaded on our warehouse in Nashua, NH by fantastic volunteers, people like you and me who just want to help in any way possible. We all work together and sweat together and laugh together once the containers are loaded and filled and ready to get shipped.
Once inside Syria activists literally risk their lives in order to help alleviate the suffering of their sisters and brothers and their children. As tiring as our work here might be then it is nothing compared to unloading a container and distributing aid under the threat of bombings and while being hungry and mentally exhausted.
Our part is the easy part, that's for sure.
In order to keep our efforts going then we do need continued support so we can pay shipping and transportation fees. In August we need at least $9,200 in order to send off the two humanitarian aid containers and we are most grateful to each of you for being part of this effort!
Together we can make a huge difference and ensure hope and love is on the way - and together we'll do it!
Containers are a very involved process of sending 40 feet long containers filled to the brim with clothes, bedding, hospital and medical items, food, and hygiene products. Making a container and sending it off is extremely demanding and hard work, but each shipment contains actual aid that reaches the people and hospitals in need within 6-8 weeks of being loaded. Considering that each container is easily worth $100,000 or more - and that there is an awareness and educational aspect to reaching out to the communities here - the NuDay Syria community has found each container to be a very rewarding and beneficial project.
NuDay Syria has a strong network for container distribution in different areas inside certain areas of Syria, and now also in the Beirut area. Most of our containers have gone via Turkey to the Bab AlHawa area and from there have been picked up by the local team, who takes care of distribution and documentation. We generally send off containers door-to-port from our warehouse in Amesbury, MA to Mersin port in Turkey. In future cases, we might send from other locations in the US as people are getting containers together for our united efforts and contacts. There, we work together with a local shipper who clears customs and pays all fees, including transportation to inside Bab AlHawa. Containers arrive in Bab AlHawa within 2-5 days of arrival to Mersin.
Once inside Bab AlHawa, the specific team of activists waits with trucks to empty the container and bring the shipment inside Syria. We bring items temporarily to a storage area, just to sort and finalize a distribution plan. Unlike many other organizations, the stuff we send gets distributed within days of arrival. Our activists are Syrians, risking their lives to bring aid and relief to their fellow sisters and brothers. The work we do here – as hard and exhausting as it is – is nothing compared to the stress and danger the activists in Syria experience.
1. Donate to this campaign or and use the social media tools above to share in your network!
Drop of boxes of itesms at
3. Volunteer if you are local to the Boston area, come help us sort and make boxes and fill a container. Contact us here for details.
<span 12px;"="">4. Order online items for containers from Amazon where you get free shipping and great pricing. We have a wish list there and it is very straight-forward to order from them.
NuDay Syria was the natural extension of local efforts here in the New England area, to help alleviate the humanitarian suffering taking place in Syria since March 2011. We are especially concerned with the plight and vulnerability of displaced Syrian women and girls, whose needs are often overlooked and voices not heard. NuDay Syria advocates for girls and women who now find themselves with no male breadwinners and often have little skills and experience earning and providing for their families
NuDay Syria is a non-profit organization focused on bringing humanitarian aid inside Syria and to help displaced Syrians in the bordering areas around Syria. We focus on bringing housing and food to displaced families with single mothers or wounded family members. We are especially concerned with the lack of safe shelter and living for single mothers with daughters. NuDay Syria is also focused on individual displaced people’s quality of life and will facilitate educational and micro-financial opportunities in order to help ensure financial independence and a means for individuals to eventually be able to help others, both financially and motivationally. This non-profit organization is being organized for charitable or educational purposes as well as undertaking of any legal activities as defined under Section 501(c) 3 of the IRS code.